Monday, July 19, 2010


"We must not sit down and wait for miracles. Up and be going!"
-John Eliot

We can all learn something from this article. Along with proper sleep patterns, the food that goes into your body is the determining factor in your power output. READ YOUR FOOD LABELS! Don't believe the marketing hype! Just because someone says something is good for you or your kids doesn't make it so, most food companies making health claims are just out to make a buck and are not real food! Activia is one of the biggies. Yeah there are some healthy bacteria in their yogurt. But enough sugar to fuel a small country! Check out this article and learn more.

Warm-up 3 rounds
5 ohs
5 push-ups
5 tire flips (teaming up with a partner is ok on this one)

5 rounds
7 deadlift
25 squat
farmer walk around cones~40 meters 35/55
rest 1 minute between rounds
score is deadlift weight and total time

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